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Local History and Genealogy

Downtown Wynne, AR, 1950s. Provided by Cross County Historical Society. Taken from the Born and Raised in the South Blog at http://ltc4940.blogspot.com/2008/09/wynne-ar.html.
Resources for studying local history and genealogy can be found in the "Special Collections" room at both the Wynne and Augusta branch libraries.
Both the Wynne and Augusta libraries house an extensive digitized microfilm collection of Cross and Woodruff County newspapers, dating back to the early 1900s. The Cross County Library also has microfilm holdings of newspapers from St. Francis County. Both libraries may have microfilm of area census records and other local records.
The following links may be helpful in conducting local history and genealogy research:
Ancestry **This link can only be accessed at the library.**
Cross County Historical Society
Woodruff County Historical Society (ARGenWeb)
Woodruff County Historical Society (Rootsweb)

Historic Augusta Presbyterian Church, now the Woodruff County Historical Society. Photo by AR. Dept. of Parks and Tourism. Taken from the Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture website.