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Woodruff 21: Public Libraries for the County's Future

WOODRUFF 21 PROSPECTUS - Updated January 2016.

The current Woodruff County Library building in Augusta is nearing 50 years of age. While a fabulous library when it was built in 1967, it is definitely showing its age. There are no facilities for educational programs, appropriate programs for children and teenagers or to support community literacy efforts. And the building was never planned to include technology.


A 2013 study proved that to effectively serve the needs of modern Woodruff County, the amount of space provided for library services needs to be doubled! The Augusta Library also does not meet current fire and safety codes and does not meet the current requirements of the American's With Disabilities Act.


Informational needs have changed a lot too since 1967. The Internet brings a world of information to people, and access to it and computers is necessary to function in today's society. In many cases, persons cannot apply for a job, access government services, or perform other important tasks without access to computers and Internet service. Due to socio-economic conditions and infrastructure issues, the access to the Internet at Woodruff County's libraries is the only hope.


Libraries build communities, and libraries change lives. Recognizing these facts, the Woodruff County Library Board has launched an ambitious plan to correct many of these issues. Woodruff 21: Public Libraries for the County's Future will provide Woodruff County residents with library services which meet their needs and support the community for decades to come.


There are several tasks called for in Woodruff 21:


  • Reroof the Woodruff County Library-Augusta facility as soon as possible. (COMPLETED!)

  • Work with the City of Cotton Plant to re-establish a full-service library in that community (OPENED 2015 - COMPLETE MODERNIZATION PLANNED, FUNDRAISING UNDERWAY.)

  • Work with the City of McCrory to upgrade the deposit station library into a full-service branch library. (COMPLETED!  LIBRARY OPENED JUNE 17, 2014. PLANS IN PLACE TO MOVE TO LARGER, MODERNIZED FACILITY, FUNDRAISING UNDERWAY.)

  • Construct an addition to and renovate the existing Woodruff County Library-Augusta facility to provide space for technology, children's programs, literacy activities, and a community meeting room. (PLANNED - DESIGN PHASE COMPLETED, FUNDRAISING UNDERWAY)

The Library Board is currently working with city, county and state officials to make these dreams become realities. Property for expansion has already been secured, and monies for the branch expansions set aside within the library budget. The Library Board and the Library Administration are also seeking grant funds to cover portions of the project. However, the Library needs your help.


There are many ways you can help. Donations to the Woodruff 21 Project can be made to the WOODRUFF COUNTY LIBRARY FOUNDATION at Riverwind Bank. No amount of donation is too large or small. For those interested in helping out on a larger scale, there are numerous naming opportunities available. Any and all contributions are tax deductible.


To discuss these or the project in general, please contact Joy Lynn Bowen, Chair of the Woodruff County Library Board, Mayor Willard Ryland, President of the Woodruff County Library Foundation, or John Paul Myrick, Regional Librarian at 870-238-3850.





Public Libraries for the County's Future

Potential Naming Opportunities:
Grand Entrance
Children's Area

Storytime Area

Teen Area
Technology Center

Meeting Room

Outdoor Reading Area
Circulation/Information Desk

Adult Reading Area

Local History Room

Librarian's Office

Group Study Rooms (2)
Library/Civic Plaza area


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